Easy recipes! Roast the corn in the oven, or in the BBQ. Either way, you have a fantastic dish coming up! There are three different methods of roasting corn on The Kitchn website, in the husk, husked and wrapped in foil with butter, or simply unhusked and roasted. The first two are my favorites, but the link above will take you the unhusked recipe as well.
In the Husk
- Leave the husk on the cobs
- Place the cobs in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 30 minutes
- Remove from oven and slice off the large end of the cob
- Peel the husk from the large end to the small end by wrapping a couple of layers of paper towels around the large end, then drag down to the smaller end of the cob
Personally, my favorite way of roasting/baking corn is to husk it first, slather it in butter, then wrap it in foil. Bake the wrapped corn at 400˚ for about half an hour, then unwrap it. You can then put it back in the oven under broil until the kernels become lightly browned around the entire cob; details below.
Husked and Wrapped in Foil
- 4 ears of corn
- 2 Tbs butter, divided
- Salt
What to do with them...
- Preheat the oven to 400˚F. Place the peeled corn cobs on large squares of foil. Spread about one teaspoon of butter over each ear of corn
- Wrap the foil around the buttered ears
- Place the foil-wrapped corn in a pan
- Bake at 400˚F for 30 minutes
- Carefully unwrap the cooked cobs and serve. You can place the unwrapped cobs back in the pan on a sheet of foil and broil them until the kernels brown slightly. Turn the cobs when the kernels are lightly browned on the side facing the broiler. The operation should take about 10 to 15 minutes.