The Crows of Pearblossom

By Aldous Huxley

One of my favorite books growing up, it was written about a small town just to the east of where I was born and raised. Aldous Huxley wrote the story in 1944, the only children's story he ever wrote. He wrote it for his niece, Olivia de Haulleville. Aldous also mentioned the Yost family, who were his neighbors in Pearblossom. He gave them a copy of the story which they treasured. Aldous sent the story to his publisher, but it was returned with the request to add illustrations. Shortly after that, Aldous's house burned down and destroyed his copy of the Crows of Pearblossom story. Then sadly, Aldous passed away in 1963. The Yosts still had their copy of the story, so Barbara Cooney was hired to do the illustrations and the book was finally published in 1967. Below is a picture of the front cover of the first edition, the inside front and back flaps, and a centerfold of Mr. Snake, the enemy of the story.