This was found by a gentleman who I believe grew up in the Antelope Valley and was posted by him on Facebook. He found the original typed sheet, probably written around the late 1970s or early 1980s, and took a picture. Sadly, then he threw the paper away. I'm sorry to hear that the original page no longer exists, but I thought it would be fun to get it out there again, so now it's on the internet. 😃
You've Been in the Antelope Valley Too Long When:
- You refer to Los Angeles as "down below".
- You notice the cracks in Rosamond Dry Lake.
- You eagerly await the Barnstormers' Reunion.
- You don't notice the 30-knot afternoon wind.
- The "Palmdale Bulge" seems like an interesting topic.
- You drive from Palmdale to see the "bulge".
- You stop wondering why the water flows out of the storm drain on 10th Street West just north of Avenue I, rather than into it.
- You know where Quartz Hill is.
- You care where Quartz Hill is.
- You decide that maybe a crew cut would be OK after all.
- You get excited at the prospect of rain.
- You theorize on the instant greening of growing tumbleweeds following a rain.
- You find yourself making frequent shopping trips to Northridge.
- You look forward to the blooming of Joshua trees.
- You learn how to spell Joshua.
- You consider rising after the sun "sleeping in".
- Your sunglasses become permanently affixed to your nose.
- You stand in a line all night to obtain fair tickets.
- You go back to the Flea Market more than once.
- You know the hiding places of the CHP on the AV freeway.
- You start shopping Pic 'N Save regularly.
- You have a beige outlook on life.
- Lake Los Angeles is no longer considered a joke.
- The color brown becomes your favorite color.
- You consider a Joshua tree a real tree.
- You are frightened by a 'green feeling' you experience on a trip to San Diego.
- You thought your car always had been brown.
- You start to like 'drive-in' movies.
- You know where Apollo Park is and where the lake water is coming from and don't care.
- You forget that there are four separate seasons.
- You start telling other people "After a while you'll start to like it here".